Here is one of Roland's "finds" from the website
It is large barbells outside a gym, in the back parking lot. If it hadn't been for that website we might never have seen them! And this giant pirate outside the defunct water park. Who would ever want to miss THAT?
This beautiful pagoda in Reading, PA was one of the better finds on Roadside America. It was built by a man who was involved in the strip mining industry on this same hillside and he realized what he was doing to the land and he built this beautiful pagoda to make the land once again a place to look upon.
On our first honeymoon we stopped in Lititz to this same pretzel factory. It has changed quite a bit, but the big Dutch Style pretzels are still the best.
This horse is at the opening of what appears to be a fairgrounds that hosts Ren-faire. Just thought it was cool!
What do you do in a car, when the traffic is stopped for an accident ahead? Easy - get the driver to hold your yarn so you can wind the next ball you need.
There was this little ice cream shop that looked like a sundae. As the story goes, this man created this prototype "igloo" in hopes of selling them for housing. It didn't go over so well and this was the only one ever built. It later was painted to look as it does and the ice cream shop opened. My favorite flavor...teaberry! It tastes just like the gum. If anyone knows where to find teaberry extract or flavoring, please do tell, as I would love to use it in candy making and ice cream making.
The giant quarter is in PA, too, long with the pied piper.
The Madonna's of the Trail are a DAR project to commemorate all the women who traveled out west following their husbands. There is one in each state, mostly along route 40.
If you were looking out in the field, there, on September 11, 2001, you would have seen United Airlines Flight 93 crash in a ball of fire. They are in the process of building a permanent memorial here. I was touched to see that, among other things left in homage, there is a Boy Scout uniform. After the many light hearted things we had seen that day, this one brought home the seriousness of life and how short it can be.
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